6/16/2001 -Morning River Cruise - Chobe River, Botswana, Africa

All images are © 2001 by Anthony Galván III. Any use without written permission is strictly prohibited.


African Fish Eagle - Haliaeetus vocifer


Black-eyed Common Bulbul - Pycnonotus barbatus


Carmine Bee-eater - Merops nubiucs


African Darter - Anhinga rufa. Often confused with the Reed Cormorant and related to the Anhinga found in Central and South America.


Egyptian Goose - Alopochen aegyptiacus


Egyptian Goose - Alopochen aegyptiacus


Trumpeter Hornbill - Ceratogymna bucinator. One very noisy fellow!


African Jacana - Actophilornis africana. Well adapted to "walking on water."


Pied Kingfisher - Ceryle rudis


Little Bee-eater - Merops pusillus. They build their nest inside the river banks.


African Buffalo - Cape Race - Syncerus caffer


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. A group of bachelor males taking it easy.


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. A small herd moving towards the river.


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. A trio of kids.


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. The lead bachelor.


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. A male telling us to stay away from the herd on the banks.


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. Lead bachelor.


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. Drinking up.


African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. Baby learning to use its trunk.


Common Hippopotamus - Hippopotamus amphibius. The River Horse. Not very friendly.


Banded Mongoose - Mungos mungo


Savanna Baboon - Yellow Race - Papio Cynocephalus


Savanna Baboon - Yellow Race - Papio Cynocephalus. Thinking about those strange creaturs out on the water.


Greater Kudu Buck - Tragelaphus strepsiceros


Greater Kudu Does - Tragelaphus strepsiceros

All images are © Anthony Galván III unless otherwise noted. Any use, whether commercial or non-commercial requires written authorization by the copyright holder.

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