RA: (M8) 18h 02m; (M20) 18h 01m
DEC: (M8)-24º 23´(M20)-23º 02´
Mag: (M8) 6.0; (M20) 9.0
Scope/lens: 300mm f/2.8 Nikkor
Mount: GM 11
Guiding: ST-4 autoguider
Guidescope: 80mm refractor
(400mm - f/5)
Film: Fujicolor 800
Exposure: 10 minutes
Location: Mount Pinos, CA
Date: 9/302000
This wide-field shot is all we will see until next summer, when the Archer once again graces the sky with a wide range of deep-sky objects, star clusters, and Messier objects compact enough that even binoculars can be used to view these objects.