Comet Ikeya-Zhang C/2002 C1
RA: Near Casseopia
DEC: the same
Mag: -4
Scope/lens: Nikon 300 F/2.8
Mount: GM 11
Digital Camera: Fuji S1 DSLR
Exposure: 5 X 30 seconds, ISO 800, 6.1 mp
Location: Figueroa Mountain, Santa Barbara County, CA
Date: April 14, 2002
This was the first "long-exposure" I took with a digital camera, the Fuji S1. Stacking five 30 second exposures gave me a three minute stacked image guided on a Losmandy GM-11 with an ST-4 autoguider. The image below was taken the same night, but with film. Note the subtle difference in tonal values pluse the detail differences. Same night, same mount and autoguider.
Comet Ikeya-Zhang C/2002 C1
RA: Near Casseopia
DEC: the same
Mag: -4
Scope/lens: Nikon 300 F/2.8
Mount: GM 11
Camera: Nikon F
Exposure: 5 minutes, Fujicolor 800
Location: Figueroa Mountain, Santa Barbara County, CA
Date: April 14, 2002