QuickCam Astro CCD Images

These images are the result of reading various postings dealing with modifications to use the Connectix Quick Cam CCD camera for astrophotography.

The camera used to make these images has been modified using instructions from Hanno's Quick Cam site on how to disassemble a QC. Tips on adapting the QC for telescopes came from Walter Bank's Quick Cam site.

After modifying the camera tests were made using a C8 (203mm SCT, F/10) and a C62 (62mm refractor, 300mm f/5). While the basic QuickCam software is not designed specifically for astrophotography work, it is possible to image planets. The next step will be to image a constellation and test the possibility of using a Quick Cam as a guider.


Saturn imaged December 17, 1997, 0432 UT. Goleta, CA

C8, prime focus, Losmandy GM8

The Moon

Crater Tycho imaged December 18, 1997, 0615 UT. Goleta, CA

Celestron 62mm refractor, prime focus. A small refractor is ideal for capturing the moon due to the CCD's narrow field of view.

The Sun

The Sun, imaged on December 24, 1997, 22:15 UT, Goleta, CA

Celestron 62mm refractor, prime focus. The scope was mounted piggyback on a C8 guided by a Losmandy GM8. A Solar Skreen solar filter was used to reduce the light intensity. Two images (north and south) were taken and combined using Photoshop.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Contact Tony Galvan .